001. Cipherdex, the Alchemist
002. RAVENSCORE, the Watchful King
003. Scarborough, a Dog of Mystery
Passive is active if Unsettling Risk was used.
2x DEF gain for 1 Turn(s), if rested within 3 Turn(s).
004. Josiah, the Grim Reaper
005. Montagaeou, the Insane
Passive only applies to enemies.
006. Jakadelle, the Corvid
007. Diego, Thief Extraordinare
Upon being drawn, HOPE is only applied once.
008. Auburn, the Creative Spirit
009. Whikker, the Explorer
010. Yuu, the Lost Hero
011. Gummy, the Fallen Angel
Should the attacker's ATK be buffed,
this card simply takes the base DMG.
012. Azeki, Hound of the Ancients
013. Juni Bluett, The Crime Diamond
014. Jeymar, the Hoarder
015. Arrow, the Vigilante
016. Sugar Hype, the Unsettling Demon
017. Slush, the Snowform
Card is INVISIBLE until it attacks.
018. Rigel, The Quasar-King
Passive causes BLIND and BURN for 2 Turn(s).
019. Poliwag, Fuckdome Supreme
020. Terran, the Ancient Healer
Upon being drawn, HOPE is only applied once.
021. Law, the Flayed Hunter
022. Aleksei, the Drowned Herald
Upon being drawn, DOOM is only applied once.
023. Skulldiggery, Skulldoggoery
Passive has TOUGHNESS applied.
024. Verus, the Malevolent God
025. Angeleina, the Angelic Hybrid
Card randomly has CONTROL over opponents.
026. Evaine, the Cold Vixen
027. Raven, the Vampire Goth
Passive does absolutely nothing.
028. Kindur, the Dreamer
Passive can be rolled (1D6) to Double (2x) the effect.
029. Coralis, the Forgotten
Passive causes CONFUSION and requires a coin flip.
Heads: to all actives. / Tails: to only enemies.
030. Thanto, the Harbringer
031. Sierra, the Unrivaled Warden
032. Lyra, the Musician
033. Ryusei, the Galaxy Diety
034. Pyxus, the Charismatic Warrior
035. Xeth, the Enigmatic Mage
036. AK, the Cursed Artist
037. Loca Rojo, The Cannibalistic Killer
038. Simon, the Librarian
039. Naia, the Siren
040. Dei, Warrior of the Goddness
041. Barry, the Bookkeeper
042. Berry, the Curious Bundrop
043. Alex, the Calm Warrior
044. FloWolF, the... what is that?
045. Stain, the Wandering Artist
046. Karma, the Spirit Guider
047. Greed Leaf, the Consumed
048. King, the Holy
049. Amatheia, the Sea Witch
050. Lumi, the Wanderer
051. Trickster, the Wanderer
052. Horace King, dat smol boi
053. Pandora Jinx, the Explorer
054. Ulti, the Bartender
055. Arithia, the Lieutenant
056. Yunn, the Small Dog
057. Anna, the Tough
058. Jerylyn, the Angelic
059. Franklin, the Watcher
060. Inuki, the Scout
061. Maurice, the Sneaky
062. Chakra, the Herbalist
063. Lola, the Doge
064. Brianna, the Soft
065. Lucky, the Starmallow
066. Ralecune, the Invincible Shield
The Dynamic Duo applies only to Nara.
067. Nara, the Fierce Sword
The Dynamic Duo's WALL effect is only applicable to Ralecune's WALL.
068. Meirit, the Warrior
069. Vincenti, the Hidden One
Causes 1 HP FLIPFLOP with one opponent.
Applied when the card is first played.
070. Heblep, the Bleppy Ringbearer
071. Gus, the Hungry
072. Niles, the Stern
073. Drafiti, the Lumbering Beast
074. Nmmahynn, the Mixer
075. Cassata, the Friendly Giant
076. Vasceros, the Loud
077. Cheese, the Cautious
078. Cinnamon, the Brave
079. Keavi, the Conman
080. Deus Ex Machina, the Automaton
HEAT renders the card temporarily unusable.
081. Nerve, the Cutthroat
082. Horutiti, the All-Knowing Queen
083. Macabre, the Grump
084. Lulo, the Romantic
085. Titania, the Stealthy
086. Lavender, the Critical
087. Oliver, the Tank
088. Sammy, the Cute
089. Degdeg, the Goopy
090. Dyconda, the Loyal Servant
091. Jin, the Guiding Light
092. Nemo, the Lost Soul
093. Stephan, the Persisant
094. Alexander, the Pink
095. Heckle, the Goofy
096. Ivory, the Chef
097. Layne, Scarecrow
098. Oedipus, the Scarred
099. Roe, the Experimenter
100. Mel, the Venturer
101. Luminescence, the Useless
102. Uno, the Trickster
103. Swirling Stars, the Dreamer
Card is INVISIBLE until it attacks.
104. Lunarria, the Steampunk DJ
105. Atilla, the Hungry
106. Bilou, the Beast
107. Angel, the Guardian
Grants AWAKEN to the first fallen/removed ally.
108. Bea, the Herbalist
109. Sumarezu, the Barista Corgi
110. Dark Sumarezu, the Psycho
111. Opal, the Crazy 'Nana
112. Baniryo, the Witch
113. Himawara, the Healer
114. Storm, the Mobster
Summon will be active once the card is in play.
115. Kitsune, the Angel
116. Sun, the Mobster
Summon will be active once the card is in play.
117. Skyla, the Splashy
Aromatherapy activates upon card entry.
118. Ghost, the Wingpyre
119. Rufus, the Beast
120. Dalisto, the Demoness
121. Silvius, the Prince
Summon will be active once the card is in play.
Due to PRINCELY AURA, Resting is not required.
122. Cassern / AERIAL PIRATE
If 3 SPC is used, 3 x 2D20.
123. Lonely, Lord of Lobsters
124. Leech, the Child
125. Vixie, the Hungry
127. Juniper, the Tiny Terror
128. Nugget, the Happy
129. Nom Nom, the Mighty
130. Bergamot, the Dambe Master
131. Googly Boogly, one Cocoa Cup
132. Starfoxxe, the Artful Temptress
Requires a Coin Flip. (HEADS)
Does not spend another SPC if attacks twice.
133. Nukpana, the Incubus
134. Kismet, the Fallen Star
135. Gossamer, the Fae-Fox
136. Derik, the Dire Wolf Warrior
Causes FEAR to all opponents.
137. Sparkle, the Plushie Unicorn
138. Hypnos, the Sleepy Pup
139. Loxilai, the Pastel
140. Fraxinus, the Forest Spirit
Upon being drawn, HERBAL SNACKS is only applied once.
141. Aivi, the Feathery & Valiant
Upon being drawn, BERRY SNACKS is only applied once.
142. Avia, the Dreamwalker
143. Cream, the Hugger
144. Moss, the Innocent
145. Gingersnap, the Deceptor
146. Niut, the Lost Soul
Phoenix revives this card once.
147. Uziel, the Silver
148. Debonair, the Entertainer
Lost in The Rhythm causes INFECTION.
149. Alvaro, the Mystic
150. Ashen, the Virtuous
151. Mirage, the Sweet
152. Melodi, the Vanquisher
153. Heinous, the Horrifying
154. Dreamwalker, the Pancake
155. ArmoredStar, the Protector of EQ
156. Zelfi, the Seeker
157. Fizzbin, the Conman
158. Hallow, the Soul Collector
159. Baphomet, the True God
160. Ramune, the Bubbly
161. Alaris, the Masked Flame
162. Angeleina, the Dark Angel
Randomly causes LOCK-ON to opponents.
163. Jagger, the Dancing Were-Rabbit
164. Shira, the Regretful Fallen
165. Kiyoni, the Possessive Fallen
166. Pixusu, the Gentle
167. Beef, the Trapped Soul
168. Baxter, the Ultimate Shield
169. Majora, the Supreme Gay
170. Vita, the Menace
171. Ainsley, Udderly Dangerous
Nuclear Cow Pies deals 1D10 x 1D4.
172. Siphull, the Selfless
173. Roieil, the Corrupt
174. Kallan, the Simple
175. Kanra, the Pure
176. Jasper, the Shark
There are now fish.
177. Jupiter, the Crystal Keeper
178. Kyoko, the Mirror
Passive activates on being drawn.
179. Gyles, the Grump